The primary goal of instruction at Academy of Saint Paul is to provide a learning experience in a Catholic environment that will assist the students in their spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development. The academic program is designed so that students can acquire the skills and knowledge that will enable them to assume a positive, active role in shaping the future of our society.
The school's curriculum is aligned to the academic guidelines provided by the Archdiocese of Newark which are designed to meet and exceed the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards. The curriculum is based on the proven effectiveness of a traditional approach to educating young people while developing the skills needed for success in the 21st century.
Students in need of academic support receive supplemental instruction through in-class assistance and a pull-out program provided in conjunction with Bergen County Special Services. An instructional support team comprised of speech, language, and occupational therapists, school psychologist, and student advocate assist teachers in their efforts to meet the individual needs of students. Lessons are designed to provide opportunities for all students to be challenged while mastering subject content.
Technological resources such as software applications, and online textbook resources are used throughout the curriculum to support instructional excellence and strengthen foundational skills.
Reading/English Language Arts: Reading, writing, language, speaking, listening, and media literacy constitute the pillars of the reading/language arts curriculum. Literacy instruction is provided through a balanced approach with all strands integrated in the program of studies. Phonemic awareness is stressed in the primary grades providing the foundation for literacy skills development. The primary resource for reading/language arts instruction is the SuperKids program which integrates decoding, spelling, grammar, phonics, and comprehension. The intermediate grades build on the skills developed in the primary grades by applying reading strategies to short stories, novels, and informational text. In the intermediate grades the Houghton Mifflin's Journey series is supplemented with selected novels and informational text. Literary analysis of various genres including fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and myths is the core of the reading curriculum in the upper grades. The language arts curriculum in all grades includes direct instruction in spelling, vocabulary, grammar, handwriting, and holistic writing. Holistic writing is taught as a five-step process with evaluation based on a common rubric.
Mathematics: The mathematics curriculum in kindergarten through eighth grade is based on the Archdiocesan Mathematics Curriculum Maps. Students in grades four through eight are grouped homogeneously in order to provide the needed support or challenge. Students in kindergarten through grade five use the McGraw-Hill My Math series, which includes online textbooks and digital teacher resources. Students in grades six through eight continue with the McGraw Hill middle school texts. Algebra I is offered to grade eight students, who have demonstrated mastery of the pre-requisite mathematical concepts and skills. The curriculum provides opportunities for students to build their understanding of mathematical concepts, both concrete and abstract, and ample practice to master important skills. All concepts are taught, and practiced within a strong problem-solving approach, which empowers students with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in the 21st century.
Science: Science instruction is presented as a way of investigating the natural world and developing solutions. The main strands include scientific processes, science and society, mathematical application, nature and process of technology, life science, physical earth science, and environmental studies. Science is taught in an approach that integrates Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Students are guided in exploring the world using the Scientific Method and in solving real world problems using the Engineering Design Process. The use of iPads, Chromebooks, and the state-of-the-art Science Lab enhance science understanding through hands-on and virtual experiences with science tools.
Social Studies/History: The disciplines of history, geography, civics, and economics constitute the social studies curriculum with interdisciplinary connections. Through project-based learning, current events, research, virtual and actual field trips, debating, and the review of primary documents, teachers provide students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to be responsible, democratic citizens and contributing members of an ever-changing global society. Integration of map and globe skills are used throughout the curriculum.