The food service program provides a hot lunch every day of the week for a reasonable price. Lunch menus are sent home monthly. The children may choose to purchase the hot meal of the day or one of the offered daily hot or cold entrees. Students have the option of bringing their own lunches. Lunch is served during two teacher-supervised sessions in the school cafeteria. Preparation and serving areas are cleaned and sanitized daily by the food service staff.
Academy of Saint Paul has a registered nurse available during school hours. The Ramsey Board of Health provides the school health services, contracting with Catapult Learning.
The nurse's responsibilities include maintaining student health records, NJ state form #A45, which contain names, addresses, birth dates, immunizations, screenings, disease histories, and physical exams. The nurse cares for sick and injured students in the designated private health room with telephone access to local police and emergency services. A daily log of all nursing care is kept. The nurse assesses the health status of students and completes vision, scoliosis and hearing screenings, referral and follow-up.
The nurse, with the Catholic Family and Adolescent Counselor, teaches the 5th grade Family Life course on puberty and reproduction.
Additional instruction is provided by numerous community health services. These include the Ramsey Police, who provide the fifth graders with LEAD (Law Enforcement Against Drugs), an anti-drug, alcohol and tobacco program.
Academy of Saint Paul does not have a formal guidance department. Classroom teachers refer emotional, behavioral, and academic concerns to the principal. After evaluating the issue, the principal makes the decision to refer students to professional counseling. The principal provides academic counseling for students who desire to attend Catholic High School. Student records are completed and recommendations for high school placement are provided as needed.
Academy of Saint Paul provides diagnostic and psychological testing to diagnose, identify and classify students with learning problems through the Bergen County Special Services. A team of two part-time teachers provide instruction following the Individual Service Plan designed for students with special learning needs. These services include resource, remedial and compensatory instruction. Classroom teachers collaborate with the team to support and accommodate students with special needs. Also, vision screening is provided through The NJ Division of the Blind, speech therapy is provided through Chapter 192/193, and social work services provided by the Bergen County Special Services.
Transportation is provided by the following methods:
117 Students - New Jersey School District provided Buses 32 Students - New York School District provided Buses 123 Students - Parent Sponsored Transportation Posters and traffic safety information from the American Automobile Association are distributed to the younger students. The parking lot is teacher monitored for the safety of the children being dismissed. Parents are issued a map in September with parking lot rules and traffic patterns.
The principal and teachers review bus safety rules each September. Students riding buses and their parents are required to sign an agreement of bus behavior rules. These papers are kept on file in the office. Reinforcement of rules is provided as needed. The buses arrive at school between 7:30 and 7:45 A.M. Students enter the building at the beginning of the day and leave between 2:15-2:30 p.m. under teacher supervision.
Bus transportation for field trips is arranged by teachers using New Jersey State certified buses and according to Archdiocesan guidelines. Car-pooling is not permitted and permission slips are required. Teachers remind students of safety procedures prior to any field trip. Students are supervised by teachers and parent chaperones.